Thursday, October 21, 2010

Recapturing Beauty; Day One

At our Mother-Daughter Night I challenged the Young Women and their mothers to do this challenge aimed at helping women discover their real beauty.  Today the challenge is to express gratitude for the things my body allows me to do.  It's 10-minutes, so no eloquent writing here.

I am grateful for a body that is healthy.  With my body I am able to pick up my children, give them hugs, wipe their tears, look at their beautiful faces.   I was able to have children of my own, and while things certainly didn't go according to plan in that department, I have four girls.

I am able to enjoy beauty all around me.  I love autumn, and I'm grateful I can see it's dramatic changes.  My body made it possible for me to enjoy our trip to southern Utah last week with all it's splendor.

My ears allow me to listen.  I can enjoy beautiful music, the sound of my girls' laughter, Mark's soothing voice.  I am able to listen to the words of prophets.

I can walk and run.  My body has performed for me in races and allowed me to do things I never thought I could do.  I can play the piano.

My mind is also part of my body and I'm so grateful to be able to gather knowledge, read, remember, think through and feel the spirit, because that is often how I receive my inspiration.

 As I try to imagine each day without the use of certain parts of my body, I realize that this body of mine makes my life possible.  This body is wonderful and not to be taken for granted.