Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Right Way

Our Relief Society is reading the Book of Mormon in 100 days.  I admit I got a little behind and have been scrambling to catch up. 

Something I read a few days ago has really stuck with me.  I have been thinking about it a lot. 

In 2 Nephi 25:28-29 "...And the words which I have spoken...are sufficient to teach any man the right way; for the right way is to believe in Christ and deny him not...wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul"

For whatever reason these verses have really struck me this time around.  It seems so simplistic, but there really is a right way, and it really is a s simple as believing in Christ and deny him not.  That is what it all boils down to.  Either I believe in Christ or I don't.  If I really believe in Christ, then the rest will follow.

I've been trying to think of ways that I maybe deny Christ.  How am I spending my time?  What shows am I watching?  What music am I listening to? 

I know I have not been worshipping him with my whole soul.  I really like the idea of finding ways to do this.  This week I am really working on scripture study and making my prayers meaningful.  I am also working on my time and how I spend it.  It seems that the times I get down are the times I have slipped in my worship of Christ. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

We Women

My friend, Cheryl, posted this quote, and I have been thinking about it ever since.

 "We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are." — Marjorie Pay Hinckley

I think too often I have too many "important" things I want to do; so many that I never get any of it done. Someone recently told me that no one could accomplish my to-do list-EVER. I need to decide what is important right now and what important things can be done later.

I really need to remember to move along at a comfortable pace for me.  My comfortable pace does not have to match the pace of anyone else.  As long as I am moving in the right direction, my perfectionist-self needs to allow that to be enough.

I love when she says,"We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something."  While sometimes I find myself trying to prove something to someone, usually I am trying to prove something to myself.  I seem to have this perception of how I "should" be or what I "should" do.  Someone once told me to beware of the "shoulds."  It's so true! The "shoulds" can be my downfall.  Often when I am feeling depressed it is because I can't measure up to all of the expectations I place upon myself. 

I have really been trying to be more content this year.  I have mostly been focusing on being content with what I have. I'm so happy about the reminder to be content with who I am. When I have been content with myself is when I have been the happiest.  I want to recognize my own strengths, instead of comparing my weaknesses to the strengths of others.  I want to improve my weaknesses instead of using them to be hard on myself.  

 What I love most about this quote is the idea that simplifying my life needs to begin within my own head and heart. Thanks Sister Hinckley.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

9-year-olds and the Old Testament

I teach the 9-year-old class in Primary.  First of all, I love Primary.  I especially love this group because they are all very unique, and they are really getting into the Old Testament.  And so am I.

From a kid's perspective, what's not to love about the Old Testament?  There's death, destruction, trickery, and much more.  I loved their reactions to Lot's wife.  They were imagining what it would have looked like in a movie to be turned into a pillar of salt.  Would she just become a pile of salt that blew away on the wind, or was it more like a statue made of salt?  And why would she look back when an angel told her not to? Duh!

I would dare say that their favorite so far has been the story of Jacob and Esau.  You have to love a story about a smooth brother and a hairy brother.  That week it was all girls, and as we read the account in the scriptures, one by one they all started to giggle.  Then they tried to imagine what Esau looked like.  One girl is sure he looked like the grumpy old troll in Dora the Explorer.  Plus, dressing up in goat skins so your blind father will think you are the hairy brother?  This is spicy stuff!

I have been amazed at how much I have learned about the Old Testament.  Not just the stories, but how they relate to me.  Every week it seems like the message is very personal- something I haven't felt about this book before. I'm disappointed the weeks I've had to get a substitute, because I know I'm missing something good.  I love knowing my calling was indeed inspired.

Right now we are working our way through the story of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt.  Another juicy story.  Then the kids made the most amazing request.  Could we have a party and watch the movie about Joseph?  Well, what do you say to a request like that other than-YES!  Not a Wii party.  Not a water party, but a party to watch a movie about an Old Testament prophet.  What great kids!